Begitu menurut saya Saya pilih A Sebab, Di setiap kelas indikator PBM ditujukan untuk mencapai tujuan. Sedangkan instructional activities dilakukan untuk mencapai indikator. Maka kita perlu indikator pencapaian pada setiap kelas. Learning indicators Basic competences Selections of media Passionate students Instructional activitiesĭiskusi Jawaban'a E karna semua kegiatan pembelajaran dirancang untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran Saya pilih A. In every classroom _ are aimed at accomplishing goals and are conducted under a goal structure. With cooperative learning, student’ learning goals may be structured to promote cooperative, competitive, or individualistic efforts.

Karna kalimat sebelumnya dikatakan pembelajaran elt menggunakan materi kursus online, padahal belum tentu materi online yg disediakan mencukupi, jadi sebagai tambahan revesensi, ada sedikit buku n artikel yg memadai 2. Thus, the answer should be B Itu pndpat sya Diskusi Yup, bener kan B. Pdhal nda prnah ada di kalimat sblumnya yg mmbhas itu. Knpa A krg tpat, krna yg dibhas di A ttg text book. Dgn demikian, cri mki connector yg mnytakan contrasting. Jdi bsa dilihat ini dua kalimat yg kontradiktif. Dan kalimat stlah titik menjelaskan bhwa hanya sdkit bku dan artikel yg ckup menyediakan informasi ttg pngenmbngan mtri berbsis IT.

B Karena di kalimat sebelumnya di jelaskan bhwa sudah ada mtri yg dikembangkan utk pra calon guru. For example, topics on developing online materials are scare, not to say absent. Specifically, they consider it obligatory for teachers to use technology in classroom E. After all, prospective teachers are teachers that need to be technologically prepared D. However, creating online materials is not yet addressed sufficiently in these courses C. On the contrary, in the ICT- based technology era, paper- based textbooks are still used B. The option that best completes the blank space…… A. In ELT departments, there have been material development courses for prospective English teachers_ Very few books and articles provide sufficient information to ELT teachers about the material development process with a technology- oriented approach. Nowadays, many institutions are giving language courses online.

This model of instruction is now widely seen in many fields, and language education is no exception. Online education has gained acceleration especially with the developments in ICT.