Supports Mac (Apple) computers running Excel 2011 (later versions of Excel not supported on Apple).

L'utilisateur peut facilement exporter plusieurs contacts de leur feuille de calcul Excel simultanment et immdiatement au format VCARD. Once complete, Excel will create and save new file titled VCFExport.csv that can also be saved in Excel format. Convertir Excel (XLS & XLSX) en vCard Excel vcard Logiciel de convertisseur Permet aux utilisateurs d'exporter tous les types de fichiers Excel sur le format de fichiers vCard. If this doesn't work for you, please email me the VCF file and I'll modify the code to support your specific VCF format.To use, simply download and open the Excel file (xlsm), Enable Macros if prompted, and then select the VCF file you wish to import. This has been written to support VCF 2.0, 2.1, 3.0 and 4.0 formatted files including those with printable encoding (MIME) and has been tested with bulk VCF files from Backupify, Google Contacts (Gmail Contacts), Apple IOS, Samsung Android devices and other platforms. This is an Excel based VBA script used to import bulk.VCF files that contain more than 1 Vcard and then convert them to a comma separated.CSV file or Excel xls file that can then be imported into Outlook, Google, or any other application that supports import of contacts using CSV files.